Violence against women

The Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women! urges the government of Pakistan to bring to justice the perpetrators of the flogging of a young woman in Swat.
The Pakistani government has ordered an inquiry into the flogging of a 17-year-old woman by Taliban militants in the troubled Swat valley, after public outrage triggered by shocking video footage of the punishment.
UN agencies working in Syria are worried about high levels of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in the Iraqi refugee community.
Cela se passe dans la vallée de Swat, dans le nord-ouest du Pakistan, une zone où la charia a été adoptée en échange d'un «cessez-le-feu» d'un des chefs religieux locaux, Sufi Mohammad.
Eight out of ten divorces in Kyrgyzstan involve brides who were “stolen” by their husbands, women’s rights groups say.
Meurtres, passages à tabac, mariages précoces, violences sexuelles, la liste des atteintes aux droits des femmes est longue.
Un réseau jeunes filles confrontées aux violences et aux ruptures familiales.
WLUML, and its allies, demand that Saudi Arabia demonstrate its commitment to human rights and release Khamisa Sawadi, Fahd al-Anzi, and Hadiyan bin Zein and revoke the order of deportation.
As Turkey cracks down on 'honour killings', women told: 'You have dishonoured your family, please kill yourself'.
All the victims were older people (80 years and above), and four of the five burnt to death were women.