
Codou Bop is a journalist based in Dakar, Senegal and is the Coordinator of the Groupe de Recherche sur les Femmes et les Lois au Senegal (GREFELS) and the Africa-Middle East regional coordination office for Women Living Under Muslim Laws. Ms. Bop's publications include: "Islam and Women's Sexual Health and Rights in Senegal" in Islam and Human Rights: Advocacy for Social Change in Local Contexts, Global Media Publications, 2006.

A Small Dream is a documentary film produced and directed by WLUML networker, Gulnar Tabassum. It tells the story of a young girl (Humaira Bachal) from the Moach Goth squatter settlement, Karachi, Pakistan. The only girl in her community to go to school, Humaira decided to teach children from her community, at home, the lessons she herself learnt in class.

The world is waking up to the fact that the greatest force for global change is growing up before our very eyes. It’s a simple concept whose time has finally arrived. Study after study shows that girls—more than 600 million strong in the developing world—hold the key to their communities’ successful future when they’re schooled and mentored in leadership.

Le 28 septembre 2009, Shadi Sadr et deux autres activistes iraniennes des droits humains ont reçu le prix Lech Walesa, qui honore les personnes « œuvrant à la compréhension et la coopération entre les nations au nom de la liberté et des valeurs de la solidarité. » Shadi est experte en droit et activiste des droits des femmes, et tient un rôle d’importance dans la campagne « Stop Stoning Forever ».

Three Iranian women human rights campaigners, including human rights lawyer and WLUML Council member, Shadi Sadr, received the Lech Walesa Prize, in Gdansk, Poland on Monday.
After more than three years of political foot-dragging, the 192-member General Assembly adopted a historic resolution on Monday.
For the first time, feminists in Bahrain are seeking new Islamic perspectives on gender and women's empowerment, and asking for modern interpretations of the Quran.
Mme Haidar est une militante courageuse pour l’autodétermination du Sahara Occidental contre l’occupation par le Maroc, ainsi que contre les « disparitions » forcées et les violations commises contre les prisonniers de conscience.
Le Fonds Arabe pour les Droits Humains (F.A.D.H.) lance un appel aux organisations et activistes œuvrant dans le domaine des droits humains dans tous les pays Arabes pour qu’ils présentent leur demande de dons allant jusqu'à $25,000 maximum par demande.
The Arab Human Rights Fund (AHRF) today calls upon organizations and activists working on human rights issues in all Arab countries to apply for grants to a maximum of $25,000 per application.
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