
Selon TAP, Sousse accueillera du 10 au 12 avril une conférence sur le rôle des chercheuses arabes dans les sciences sociales.
Open your life to learn about theirs! Join the Women’s Global Roundtable – UNIFEM Series
Somali women’s rights activist Hawa Aden Mohamed has been selected to receive the prestigious 2008 Roger N. Baldwin Medal of Liberty Award for international human rights defenders, Human Rights First announced today.
The "South Asian Campaign to End All Violence against Women" - or the "We Can" campaign - addresses the fact that 50% of women in South Asia experience violence in their daily lives.
Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia are moving to promote a sense of civic nationalism alongside religious education to help stop violence committed in the name of religion, reports AMANA.
Des féministes iraniennes réclament le droit d'être spectatrices de leur sport national.
L’interdiction de la diffusion du film Persepolis révèle l’ampleur de l’influence iranienne.
La rue Bugeaud, située dans le 6e arrondissement de la ville de Lyon, sera rebaptisée “symboliquement” samedi prochain, au nom de Lalla Fatma N’soumer, figure de la résistance populaire algérienne contre la colonisation française.
Pakistan's National Assembly elected its first woman speaker on Wednesday, a member of assassinated former prime minister Benazir Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party (PPP) which won elections last month.
SWAN is a network of Shan women active in Thailand & the Thai-Burma border. Its mission is to work for gender equality & justice for Shan women in the struggle for socio-political change in Burma through community-based actions, research and advocacy.
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