Une juive de Bahreïn, Houda Nounou, doit être nommée prochainement ambassadrice de son pays à Washington, une première dans les pays arabes, a indiqué samedi un responsable du royaume du Golfe.
Finding that the Egyptian press seldom provided independent sources of information or reported issues of interest to young people, a group of young journalists in Cairo decided to start their own radio station.
The Zambia Government will use the K13.6 billion the Task Force on Corruption has earned from the sale of seized properties to build maternity wards at various health centers countrywide.
Mrs. Mutabar Tadjibaeva from Uzbekistan was arrested after having criticized the government’s handling of the massacre in Andijan, three years ago in May 2005. She has been awarded this human rights defenders prize in absentia.
Affected by the murder of Italian artist Pippa Bucca, 21 Turkish women are taking part in a 296-km bike ride from Beirut to Palestine this May, and dedicate their ride to her and peace.