Sexual/reproductive rights & health

Excerpts from information by Positive Muslims, which aims to give readers a better understanding of HIV and AIDS related issues affecting Muslim countries and communities.
The report uses a human rights lens to focus on critical political challenges and on innovative strategies used by activists worldwide as they respond to the links between violence and HIV/AIDS. It is meant for activists and policy makers alike.
Catholics for a Free Choice has launched a new national public education campaign, Prevention Not Prohibition, which contributes to efforts to reframe the abortion debate by focusing on building a national consensus to prevent, not prohibit, abortion.
A group of Muslim women in the dusty town of Lodwar, northern Kenya, are breaking with tradition to speak openly about HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
In a letter to the Nicaraguan National Assembly, Silvia Pimentel, vice chairman of CEDAW, criticized the influence of “the hierarchies of the Catholic Church and some Evangelical Churches” in the draft reforms of Nicaragua’s penal code.
Do you know your reproductive rights? This was the question of which the answers dominated the discussions in a media sensitisation workshop on sexual and reproductive health issues held in Kuala Lumpur on 4 November.
The Safe Abortion Action Fund provides grants to non-governmental organizations that will enable them to implement specific, in-country initiatives to increase their work in any area along the abortion continuum.
Le Fonds d’action pour l’avortement médicalisé a pour fonction de mobiliser, d’administrer et d’octroyer des ressources à des organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) actives dans l’un des secteurs intéressant l’avortement.
The number of women living with HIV/AIDS is on the rise in the country and a recent UN survey found that in majority of the cases the disease was passed on by polygamous husbands.
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