
Islam prohibits neither images of Muhammad nor jokes about religion.
The president of the UN General Assembly recently took over fractious negotiations to establish a new UN human rights body, with Islamic nations wanting language against blasphemy because of the dispute over cartoons in a Danish newspaper.
La laïcité comme préalable à la démocratie est un thème ambitieux et un défi au moment où, dans le monde, la résurgence du religieux politique devient une réalité.
One of the only on-line resources for reproductive rights information in Arabic which aims to provide Arabic speakers with information and advocacy tools on reproductive health and rights.
Surveying the most recent developments in Islamic feminism, Margot Badran finds an increasingly dynamic global phenomenon that is as varied as it is radical.
WLUML does not usually carry letters from networkers on its website. However, in the spirit of protecting the precious remaining space for discussion among ourselves and with a wider audience, we would like to share a letter.
Facts: 30.09.2005: the conservative Danish daily Jyllands-Posten published 12 cartoons portraying Prophet Muhammad: Muslim groups in Copenhagen demand public excuses; this is followed by death threats and demonstrations.
A consecuencia de la publicación de unas caricaturas con respecto a la persona del Profeta, por razones probablemente malintencionadas, la reacción de ciertos musulmanes se sitúa más allá del surrealismo.
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