
Southall Black Sisters (SBS) est un collectif de femmes sud-asiatiques.1 Nous gérons un centre de conseil, de ressources et de campagne pour les femmes de Southall, une zone de l’Ouest de Londres à forte population sud-asiatique. En comparaison avec beaucoup d’autres communautés asiatiques de ce pays, Southall est hétérogène et possède un esprit cosmopolite. Toutes les religions et tous les groupes ethniques du sous-continent indien y sont présents, même si le groupe ethnique et la religion Sikh du Pendjab sont dominants.
Presently, more than one third of the world’s Muslims are living as minorities in non-Muslim countries, a fact which has posed challenges not only for the host countries but also for the Muslims themselves. Most Muslims perceive Muslim minorities as an integral part of the larger Muslim community, umma. Many insist that Muslims must be governed by Islamic law, often that of the country of origin. Home countries are expected to offer human, political, and financial resources in order for the minorities to live Islamically.
Pamela Cross
Legal Director, Metropolitan Action Committee on Violence Against Women and Children (METRAC)
Pamela Cross is a long time feminist political activist with a focus on women’s equality-rights issues.

Pascale Fournier
SJD Candidate, Harvard Law School
The interpretation of the Qur’an is not possible without dividing verses into normative ones ie. norms that are transcendent in character & contextual ie. those verses revealed in response to a given situation and the Prophet (PBUH) responding to queries.
WLUML was one of the organisers of this international consultation and Feminist International Radio Endeavour has made audio files of the speeches of participants available online.
In a special interview with IRIN, Yakin Ertürk said that the rule of law had been women's best friend globally, but that violence against women persisted everywhere, even in developed democracies, partly because so many abuses occur in the private sphere.
The majority of suicide bombers have been young men. However, some of the most lethal exponents of suicide bombing have been neither male nor Muslim. Women involved in a series of attacks are beginning to undermine this stereotype.
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