[state] women’s political participation

The Kenyan Parliament has 12 nominated MPs, of which eight are women.
Controversial Danish public figure now campaigning to become a Member of Parliament.
In July 2007, Pratibha Patil was elected India's first woman president.
Selon Benazir Bhutto: “Les incidents de la Mosquée Rouge n’étaient qu’une manière de s’échauffer, en vue de ce qui va se passer si les écoles religieuses ne sont pas désarmées.”
Bermet Akayeva warns against an increasingly Islamist state and the erosion of secularism.
Très peu de pays atteignent la tranche des 40-50% des femmes élues dans les parlements mondiaux.
Approximately 50 per cent of the nation’s population is female. Then why after six sessions of Majlis elections, we still have only two females representing Omani women in the Majlis?
The committee agreed to amend the federal law on judicial authority in order to remove gender specification, which specified ‘males only’ for such positions.
Percentage de sièges parlementaires occupés par des femmes (2005).
La députée afghane Malalai Joya a été suspendue, lundi, pour avoir jugé l’Assemblée «pire qu’une étable».
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