[sex] dress codes

"Lorsque vous demandez à une musulmane pourquoi elle porte ou ne porte pas le hijab, la réponse n’est jamais simple."
Turkish Muslim women who wear headscarves will have access to Turkish [state] universities after parliamentarians voted to overturn a decade-long ban last week.
"The issue raises a big question about Mr. Erdogan: is he dedicated to his party’s plans for comprehensive constitutional reform, or is he simply serving the interests of religion? The latter would be a grave error..."
Two major parties in Turkey have submitted a joint plan to parliament to ease a ban on the Islamic headscarf in the country's universities. Polls suggest there is strong public support for lifting the ban.
Iranian police will crack down on women in Tehran flouting Islamic dress codes with winter fashions deemed immodest, such as tight trousers tucked into long boots, an officer was quoted as saying.
Debate on the proposed banning of the headscarf in educational institutions. A right to secularism? Or a right to education?
Morality drive focuses on low-cut clothing and other signs of behaviour seen as 'un-traditional' and therefore inappropriate.
Un homme de 57 ans a été arrêté dans la région de Toronto pour avoir tué sa fille de 16 ans qui refusait, selon ses amis, de porter le hidjab, a annoncé la police.
16 year old Aqsa Parvez was killed by her father on 10 December, allegedly for not wearing a veil.
Le nombre de femmes portant le foulard a augmenté en Turquie au cours des quatre dernières années, selon un sondage publié.
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