Egypt: Saad Eddin Ibrahim and all Ibn Khaldun co-defendants are acquitted
Democracy Egypt Egypt's Court of Cassation has twice overturned the politically motivated sentences handed down by the State Security Court against Saad Eddin Ibrahim and other Ibn Khaldun co-defendents.
After hearing seven hours of testimony, the Court of Cassation adjourned - and on March 18th returned a verdict of not guilty on all charges against Saad and the other Ibn Khaldun co-defendants.
(Magda Al Bey received a six-month, suspended sentence for falsifying documents.) The State Security arrest, trials and convictions were clear attempts by some in Egypt to silence human rights groups and stifle the development of civil society.
This decision represents an important victory for the rule of law and protection of human rights in Egypt.
This decision represents an important victory for the rule of law and protection of human rights in Egypt.
Submitted on Tue, 03/25/2003 - 00:00