Violence against women

Authorities in Saudi Arabia have defended a judicial sentence of 200 lashes for a rape victim.
The findings of parliament delegation suggest that prison officials first give medicines to prisoners to stupefy them and then sexually assault them.
From 25 November 25 to 10 December 2007, the Women's International Network of the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC-WIN) will highlight the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence with a second Annual Internet campaign.
Hosted by WLUML, this Global Campaign will be launched on 26 November 2007, in Istanbul.
"Sadia Sheikh, 20 ans, belge d'origine pakistanaise est lâchement assassinée en pleine rue par son frère alors qu'elle refusait un mariage que ses parents voulaient l'obliger à contracter au Pakistan."
"Sadia (20 ans) aimait un garçon. Mais d'autres avaient choisi à sa place. Son frère lui a tendu un traquenard. Il l'a assassinée. Sa soeur Sarya (18 ans) est à l'hôpital."
Sharla Musabih decided to take action against domestic violence by opening up a villa to shelter women and children who can not find help anywhere else.
"Too Young to Wed: Child Marriage in Their Own Words - An exhibit highlighting the personal stories of young girls and women around the world"
On International Women’s Day 2007, IRIN launched "The Shame of War", a reference book and photo essay containing portraits and testimonies of the sexual violence women suffer when men go to war. It is now available online through the IRIN website.
Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights developed this website as a tool for the promotion of women's human rights in countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the former Soviet Union (FSU). Information in English with links to materials in Russian.