Violence against women

Like their colleagues across Iraq, the doctors and nurses at the Emergency Management Centre in Irbil work relentlessly. The medical specializations at this hospital are war surgery and burns.
We urge all concerned citizens to immediately contact the Iranian officials by phone and/or fax to request them to stop the scheduled stoning to death of Zohreh and Azar Kabiri in Iran. More information and a sample letter are available in Urdu here:
La Cour suprême iranienne a confirmé des peines capitales par lapidation pour deux soeurs reconnues coupables d'adultère, a rapporté leur avocat cité lundi par le quotidien Etemad. «La branche 23 de la Cour suprême a confirmé la sentence de lapidation», a déclaré Jabbar Solati, alors que cette peine n'a été appliquée officiellement qu'une fois depuis 2002.
La Cour suprême iranienne a confirmé des peines capitales par lapidation pour deux soeurs reconnues coupables d'adultère, a rapporté leur avocat cité lundi par le quotidien Etemad.
Two Iranian sisters convicted of adultery face being stoned to death after the supreme court upheld the death sentences against them, the Etemad newspaper Monday quoted their lawyer as saying.
The focus on disarmament and reintegration of ex-combatants in the peace process "does not take into consideration the sufferings of women or the needs of women," said Dr. Yakin Erturk.
6 February is International Day Against Female Genital Mutilation. The day has been designated by the United Nations to raise awareness amongst the general public about this traditional practice which severely violates the human rights of women and girls.
"Madhya Pradesh has perhaps the highest number of gang rapes in the India. Shockingly, in the last 1,300 days — from Dec 7, 2003 to June 30, 2007 – 1,217 gang rapes were reported in the state as per the Madhya Pradesh State Assembly records."
تشرع منظمة فلومل (النساء التي تعشن في ظل القوانين الاسلامية) حملة عالمية لوقف قتل ورجم النساء من أجل وضع حد لسوء الاستعمال بلا هوادة للدين والثقافة لتبرير الجرائم ضد النساء كعقاب لانتهاك "القوالب" المفروضة للسلوك الجنسي. ان قتل النساء -بأي حجة كانت- امر غ