Violence against women

Sanaa Awadkareem was forced into marriage and then disfigured with acid by her estranged husband.
An Israeli court sentenced a man to 16 years in prison on Tuesday for aiding in the so-called honor killing of his sister. The case was unusual in that the women of the family broke their code of silence and testified against the man.
More than 30 girls are missing from schools in Bradford despite efforts to track them down, MPs have been told.
A volunteer rescue organisation in Germany has sheltered more than 100 Muslim women who fear they will be killed if they do not go through with marriages that their families have arranged for them.
Lys Anzia of the Women News Network (WNN) looks at the suffering of Kurdish women and the dramatic increase in their acts of self-destruction.
40% des victimes des violences sexuelles au Congo ont moins de 18 ans et 16% moins de 13 ans, a révélé, lundi à Brazzaville, le Fonds des Nations unies pour l’Enfance (UNICEF), à l’occasion de la journée mondiale de lutte contre les violences sexuelles.
Within 10 days, two separate incidents of rape have been reported. One victim was a 14-year-old girl, the other a Filipino woman attacked in a hotel.
La Campagne Internationale Contre les Crimes d'Honneur (ICAHK) vous annonce sa première publication « Un totalitarisme contre les femmes, Répercussions des crimes et du système de "l'honneur familial" sur les conditions de vie des femmes au Moyen-Orient».
Newspapers report a father stoned his daughter to death in Zahedan, Iran.
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