Violence against women

Des islamistes s'occupent de mariages arrangés d'épouses etre de filles des résistants en Irak et en Palestine.
Segregated from men, banned from driving and facing restrictions on travel, work, and even study, many Saudi women attempt suicide to escape one of the world's strictest societies.
Cela fait une décennie que le parlement de Côte d'Ivoire a adopté la loi contre l'excision, mais elle a du mal à s'appliquer, en raison des considérations liées aux traditions dans ce pays d'Afrique de l'ouest.
"What we should learn from forced marriages and 'honour' killings is that we cannot allow cultural relativism to compromise women's human rights."
Les familles victimes du massacre perpétré par les terroristes islamistes, le 11 janvier 1998, appellent les citoyennes et les citoyens à assister à la cérémonie de recueillement organisée à la mémoire des victimes, le 11 janvier 2008.
The Nairobi Women's Hospital said it had on 31 December received 19 rape cases, almost double the daily average.
The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan condoles the death of Benazir Bhutto.
Agée de 54, Benazir Bhutto était l'héritière d'une dynastie qui a marque la vie politique du Pakistan durant quatre décennies. Benazir Bhutto était une figure clef de l'histoire contemporaine du Pakistan.
The Women's Action Forum (WAF) issues a statement on the assassination of former prime minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto, while campaigning for upcoming national elections.
Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah has pardoned a female rape victim who had been sentenced to 200 lashes for being alone with a man at the time of the attack who was not related to her. Saudi Justice Minister Abdullah bin Muhammed al-Sheik told al-Jazirah newspaper that the pardon does not mean the king doubted the country's judges, but instead acted in the ''interests of the people.''