Violence against women

At 10:00 AM (GMT +2) watch the launch of the 'Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women!' live.
The Cambodian Committee for Women (Cambow) will launch a 16-day campaign against gender-based violence to raise awareness of the issue and change the Cambodian 'mindset' on violence and abuse against women.
A judge in Saudi Arabia has ordered a victim of gang rape to receive 200 lashes - more than double her original sentence for being alone with a man who was not a relative - after she appealed against the lenient sentences given to the men who attacked her.
The Global Campaign will be launched on 26 November 2007, at 10 AM, at Bilgi University in Istanbul. Speakers at the launch include: Shadi Sadr, Ayesha Imam, Sri Wiyanti Eddyono, Nebahat Akkoç, Yakin Ertürk, and Farida Shaheed.
Un tribunal saoudien vient de doubler la peine de flagellation à laquelle avait été condamnée une jeune femme violée, qui parla de son cas à la presse.
The International Forum "'Culture', Women, Violence" will be held on 26 November 2007. The event is hosted by the City University of Hong Kong, SEARC, WEMC, the Center for Migration Research and Istanbul Bilgi University.
On 26 November 2007, WLUML will launch a global campaign to "Stop Stoning and Killing Women", as inhumane punishments for women's alleged sexual transgressions. Download the background paper here!
The Global Campaign is designed to address the persistent misuse of religion and culture to justify killing women as punishment for violating the ‘norms’ of sexual behaviour as defined and imposed by vested interests. Download the concept paper here!
The World Organisation Against Torture's (OMCT) oral statement in the panel discussion on the integration of a gender perspective and women's rights into the work of the Human Rights Council.
A judge in Saudi Arabia has ordered a victim of gang rape to receive 200 lashes - more than double her original sentence for being alone with a man who was not a relative - after she appealed against the lenient sentences given to the men who attacked her