[fund] general

Grande-Bretagne: "Après le démantèlement du Londonistan par Scotland Yard."
The Danish cartoonist behind drawings satirising the Prophet Muhammad has urged a Dutch lawmaker to air an anti-Islam film despite Muslim outrage.
Bahrain has no written personal status law. Instead, separate Sharia-based family courts for Sunni and Shia Muslims hear marriage, divorce, custody, and inheritance cases.
Les hommes dirigeaient l’organisation Care International, officiellement engagée dans le financement d’un orphelinat en Afghanistan. Mais selon l’accusation, leur activité principale était la propagande et la collecte de fonds au profit des moujahidine.
“This is very much against the policy of the Education Ministry. A co-ed school is meant to be a co-ed school and headmasters cannot decide to have different policies for their schools,” Mohamad said.
"These clerics are not democratically elected officials, nor legislators. There is no obligation for the state to legitimize their presence or support their activities with state funding."
"Every edict pronounced should be based on the expertise of that field, not limited merely to the halal (allowed) versus haram (prohibited) paradigm. Enlightenment is what Indonesian society needs."
Au terme d’une longue enquête qui l’a mené de Nouakchott à Brunei, Malek Chebel dresse un constat accablant: l’esclavage a été et reste un fait musulman.
"Quelque 60% des djihadistes étrangers combattant au sein de l'insurrection en Irak viennent d'Arabie Saoudite et de Libye, “deux pays alliés des États-Unis”, a écrit le New York Times, citant des responsables militaires américains."
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