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"Je dis à [la reine] Elizabeth [d'Angleterre] et à [l'ancien premier ministre britannique Tony] Blair que votre message nous est parvenu et que nous sommes en train de vous préparer une réponse précise", a-t-il déclaré.
Député de l’opposition, Naser Khader est l’une des personnalités politiques danoises les plus en vue. Il appelle à adapter l’islam à la modernité européenne.
Deux accusés, dont la veuve de l'assassin du commandant Massoud, seront jugés à partir de mercredi prochain pour avoir créé des sites de propagande extrémiste et diffusé sur la Toile des images de mises à mort.
"Only girls with bad character go to college."
Throughout NWFP, Pakistan's impoverished western border with Afghanistan, lie the ruins of barbershops and music and video stores – symbols of Western-oriented life that religious extremists have destroyed in a growing wave of violence.
"Shaving beard isn't done here. Contact only for hair cut," reads a sign pasted outside the entrance of a barber's shop in Upper Dir, a rugged and mountainous district in Pakistan's North West Frontier Province.
Incommunicado detention of and judicial proceedings against several Iranian-American citizens including Dr. Haleh Esfiandiari, director of the Middle East programme at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC. Dr. Esfiandiari was arrested in Tehran on 8th May 2007 after being summoned for questioning by Ministry of Intelligence officials and was taken to section 209 of Evin prison, where she was allowed one call to inform her relatives that she had been jailed. Dr. Esfandiari is also a well-known advocate of dialogue between the US and Iranian governments.
Chargée d'adapter le droit musulman aux besoins des communautés en Europe, l'institution tient sa session annuelle à Sarajevo, du 15 au 20 mai.