[law] general

Une nouvelle publication du Collectif 95 Maghreb Egalité.
A bill calling on Iran to join an international agreement on women's rights has been rejected by the government's supervisory body.
It will soon be 20 years that the Family law has been enforced in Algeria.
Throughout the Arab world, many women, their husbands and their children suffer hardships due to nationality laws that make it difficult or impossible for a woman married to a non-national (even an Arab or Muslim) to pass her nationality to her children.
The Civil Status Temporary Law, which raised the age of marriage for both men and women to 18 and allowed women to file for divorce, was hotly contested by many of the 110 deputies.
The Malaysian cabinet has promised to change the country's laws to discourage men from divorcing their wives by means of electronic messages.
Le projet de loi (Private Member's Bill) du député Farida Rahman, portant sur une proposition d'amendement à la section V1 du décret sur le code de la famille musulman de 1961 a suscité beaucoup de discussions, en raison de son caractère peu conventionnel et controversé. Ce sont surtout des groupes de femmes activistes qui ont manifesté un grand intérêt. Le projet de loi pose toute la question des droits des femmes d'intérêt général. Nous publions donc aujourd'hui un article critique et serions heureuses de recevoir d'autres contributions, pour ou contre la motion.
To date, 174 states parties have ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).
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